The Educational Consultant Resource
The Full Palette: Extra Steps in College Admissions for Visual Art Students
For those whose passion resides in the arts, the college admissions process includes an added layer of complexity beyond transcripts, test scores, recommendation letters, and essays. Visual arts students, in particular, must chart a distinctive course that may not only demand academic excellence but also emphasizes their creative portfolios and specialized requirements.
A Journey from School Halls to Virtual Horizons: Transitioning from Academic Dean to Educational Consultant
Now that the new school year is about to start, I’m immersed in a profoundly transformed personal work environment. The bustling corridors and echoes of high school laughter are but distant memories, replaced by the serenity of my home office! The shift marks a momentous change: from Dean of Academic Services and College Counselor to autonomous Educational Consultant on a prestigious consulting team.
Admissions 2023 Round Up and What’s Next
As the 2022-2023 college admission cycles wraps up, we’d like to share some trends we’ve observed, including those from colleagues in the educational consulting world.
How to Prepare Your Child for College – Your Child’s College Journey From Elementary to Senior Year
How do you prepare your child for college? What can you do right now? Whether your child is a toddler or a teenager in high school here are some steps you can take to maximize your child’s college application before high school and our top tips for what to focus on in high school.
College Planning Guide: A Roadmap for Parents
We are still reeling from the “Operation Varsity Blues” college admissions scandal. The first reaction was shock, followed closely by disbelief. As the media continues to hammer away at the story that is still sprouting ugly, far-reaching tentacles, we are amazed at the scope of the scheme and the depths, both legal and moral, to which parents will sink to ensure the “best” for their children.
How to Write A Good College Essay (with Example Prompts for Practice)
Few things strike more terror into a student’s heart than the thought of the college essay or personal statement. Don’t worry! With our tips, checklist, and plenty of time to practice with the prompts, you can reframe that fear into a feeling of supreme gratitude for what is actually a gift! The essay is your chance to showcase all the great things about you that can’t possibly be reflected in the yes-no-how-many application questions.
The Cost of College Conversation
How to talk to your child about the rising cost of college tuition
Why You Need a College Consultant
The truth is you may not need a college consultant! Here are three ways to approach this part of your child’s educational journey. Your child’s high school counselor can provide support for the application process, you can tackle it on your own, or you and your child can work with a professional college consultant.
The Correlation Between Income Level and College Acceptance
The Orlando Sentinel explores the connection between income level and college acceptance in Florida state schools.